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book lore造句

"book lore"是什么意思  
  • Speaking of the old village schools, she admits that the teachers possessed little book lore.
  • I can recite baseball stats and comic book lore and an insane amount of science type stuff.
  • Reeve was best known for his recurring movie roles as " Superman, " the caped crime fighter of comic book lore.
  • With much anticipation, he approaches Dunn with a theory that links his condition and Dunn's with comic book lore and the probability that somewhere there exists an invincible superhero meant to save us all.
  • The 1980s saw the launch of various live-action superhero series that did not have their origins in comic-book lore, but only " The Greatest American Hero ", a series with a humorous yet respectful tone about a superhero who could barely control his powers, lasted for more than a few episodes.
  • It's difficult to see book lore in a sentence. 用book lore造句挺难的
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